Industrial heating system services in Santa Barbara, CA
In comparison to a residential heating, the industrial premises need a more complex heating system. This is due to the fact that the heating should function equally well throughout of industrial buildings (shops, hangars), warehouse buildings and premises for the personnel.
This requires a complex ramified system that will ensure uninterrupted heating throughout the area. To achieve this, it is necessary to conduct complex calculations and determine the main project objectives.
Before planning the heating of industrial buildings, remember the following :
✔ for public or industrial buildings it is necessary to prepare all necessary documents for the installation of the heating system in advance;
✔ choose the right type of heating that is suitable and meets your specific needs and not the one that can provoke the emergence of unfavourable or fire hazardous situations (humidity, dust, work in difficult conditions, etc.);
✔ when making calculations, pay attention to the unfavourable factors that can significantly change the key numbers;
✔ as much as possible to think over the mechanism and the temperature mode of heating in each of the rooms – this will help you figure out where you can save, and where, on the contrary, you can spend more
✔ pay attention to where the working area and where non-residential premises will be located – this will allow to develop a consistent heating algorithm;
✔ take into account the period and duration of the installation work that must be carried out only at the end of the heating season or during the summer period;
✔ choose a qualified team that will quickly and qualitatively perform work with testing and commissioning on pre-calculated cost.

Types of industrial heating
At the present, there are several ways how you can provide the necessary temperature regime in the building. So, the industrial area can be heated as follows, depending on the type of coolant:
Water type
The heating system is operated by water or water-based antifreeze, which act as a coolant. A large perimeter will require a branched pipe system, which will maintain the temperature regime taking into account the distance. Do not forget that for installation will be necessary to choose the type of heating system: gravity-type of circulation or artificial circulation (in case the heating pipes are located differently), and also to understand the mechanism of connection to the heating network (dependent or autonomous). As well as the types of radiators and the material from which the pipes are made are selected, the maintenance plan is discussed and agreed upon.
Air type
The heat supply system using air is popular because of its economy and versatility in both small and large-area buildings. In addition to the cost benefits, you can rely on additional functionality: it is enough to install an air humidifier or to conduct an air-conditioning system in the summer. Separate attention deserves the possibility to control the temperature conditions in different rooms during the day without wasting time on installation, acceleration and tuning.
Steam type
Heating systems of industrial enterprises that use water steam as a coolant. The mechanism of operation is as follows: a steam boiler generate the necessary heat, which instantaneously heats the entire system and, accordingly, the room. The problem can arise only if it is necessary to slowly or partially warm up the building – this type of heating can work either in full capacity or on thermal inertia.
Another method of heating is called “radiant”. A public building or other large room is exposed to infrared heaters, which allow you to adjust the desired temperature and power. This method is considered local, because it is not space that heats up, but objects. This should be taken into account when planning the installation work at industrial facilities
Ordering industrial heating system
You can order a full package for heating the industrial buildings from A+ Refrigeration Heating & Air Conditioning company. We guarantee high-quality work done on time, which meets all the necessary requirements:
✔ construction,
✔ installation,
✔ operation,
✔ sanitary and hygienic standards.
The price and terms will be known after carrying out detailed calculations and agreeing on a steps of implementation of works. Contact our managers by provided phone numbers and get advice on all questions.