Water Heater & Boiler Installation in Santa Barbara and Goleta, CA

Problems with hot water may be avoided by purchasing modern heating equipment. Choose a reliable device that works properly for several years by entrusting its installation to real professionals. Water heater and boiler installation in Santa Barbara and nearby locations (Santa Ynez, Ventura, Goleta, Ojai, etc.) can be provided with A + Refrigeration Heating & Air Conditioning. Our reliable professional team uses advanced tools for a prompt new boiler installation.

How to Install Different Types of Water Heaters?

There are 3 types of heaters: the first is tankless gas, and electric. Tankless water heater installation is considered the most convenient, it does not require much space for mounting a tank and is beneficial for a big family. Electric types are more expensive and gas models are notable for their enhanced maintenance.

  1. Installation of Gas Water Heaters

Such a tank requires proper space and air ventilation. Contact our experts to check the water pressure in your home or apartment using a pressure gauge. The new boiler installation normally requires a drain pan; you can avoid possible flooding if a specialist installs a pipe to the drain.

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Note! The heating tank is cleaned once a year, although this depends on the hardness of the water. If this doesn’t meet the standards, then cleaning is performed every six months. Good quality water leaves less scale and cleaning is done every 2 years.

      2. Installation of Electric Water Heaters

This process is simpler than a gas water heater installation. It requires our specialist to install the new compatible circuit breaker in the breaker panel. Our professionals at A+ Refrigeration Heating & Air Conditioning will remove the old heater:

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[icon type=”arrow-right”]  by disconnecting all wires;
[icon type=”arrow-right”]  draining hot liquid;
[icon type=”arrow-right”]  and other required operations.

      3. Installation of Tankless Water Heaters

For a big family, the choice of a tank is not suitable. Select the right size because a smaller model is not able to handle your liquid intake and you get warm, but not hot water. Monitor this heating system by regularly checking that the device is working properly.

What is Necessary for Boiler Installation?

High-quality installation requires special knowledge, tools, and skillset to meet certain nuances. Our boiler installation department will fulfill all stages of the installation because our experts have the required experience. For water heater installation in Santa Barbara, we have the necessary tools and sensors to check that the system is functioning properly.

Choose A+ Refrigeration Heating & Air Conditioning for Water Heater and Boiler Installation in Santa Barbara, CA
If you need good quality and affordable service for hot water heater installation, then contact us. We guarantee perfect time management and excellent installation performance in Santa Barbara and nearby locations.

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Remember! A reliable contractor provides constant maintenance of your boiler to quickly identify and fix any problems. Compliance with the manufacturer’s requirements will increase the performance of the heating equipment.

Our water heater installation in Santa Barbara finds the decision to various problems related to heating tanks, we closely monitor new trends and offer our customers profitable solutions to certain difficulties.

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Call today at ☎ 805-556-4077